Sunday, June 17

the joy of giving

Earlier this month, my 3-months internship in a legal firm has ended. On my last day, I gave out handmade cards and self-baked cookies for my colleagues as appreciation. I enjoy receiving cards and letters, therefore, I often give out self-made cards and letters to people around me. I feel that there is always something special about self-made cards, because they are one of a kind. You can never find another similar card being sold in the market. Besides, you get to express yourself in the card itself. Words which may be awkward to say such as 'you are a great superior', 'I am thankful to have you as my colleague' and more can be easily conveyed through cards. On top of that, cards are imperishable and can be treasured; when one is feeling sad or discouraged, reading cards received in the past can definitely make one's day! 

Here are some pictures of the cards I drew/ painted, baked cookies as well as my colleagues and I on my final day at work:-

 all these floral prints are inspired by posts on Pinterest 

chocolate chip cookies

sui generis (the neon sign) is a Latin phrase that means one of a kind, unique // a pretty popular Intellectual Property term in Law which my boss has decided to put at the entrance of the office

Previously, after graduating from my A-Levels course in Sunway College, I have also painted cards and baked cookies for my teachers. I figured I should just include the pictures of them in this post since they fulfil the title of this post as well heh.

cards painted for my teachers, really grateful for all the effort they put into teaching me, marking my self-practiced essays and answering my never ending questions // It must be hard to have a student like me, but I really appreciate your guidance :)

In a nutshell, I would like to say that being able to give out things to people, regardless of its value, will definitely make one's day. Not only are you spreading happiness to the people around you by expressing how thankful you are for their presence in your life, you will also feel delighted when you see the smiles on their faces when they receive the gifts. Try it out for yourselves in the future!

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